Look at this! Nightingale in Guitar Hero game!!


Nightingale and EoS fan
Jun 23, 2005
Have you seen this :headbang:

I have never played Guitar Hero, so I am asking this question. Is Nightingale' s music in the guitar hero game? The video looks very convincing. Either way, Nightingale is one of my favorite bands!:headbang:
I have some experience with this, being a big guitar hero fan. Long ago, people mastered the art of creating custom songs for Guitar Hero 2 mostly. It requires a modded PS2, a DVD burner, and lots and lots of specialized programs. It's a lot of work, but it's pretty cool when you get a good one like this.

Looks like there's some kind of Guitar Hero on PC (probably hacked). That GH seems to work on Vista...

Maybe that NG is done with that? :)

Anyway, nice video! I wish there was Nightfall Overture in GH :). That would really rock.
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