look at this ;)


They All Knew Golgotha...
Feb 20, 2004
Ive been using Paint shop pro 10 for some time now..
I used to use Photoshop in Graphic arts for 2 years in highschool
but PSP10 is more user-interface friendly.

i modified one picture (actually a wallpaper)
Of the Model/actress Mila Kunis

Here is the original


heres the modified one i did. using Halfton, pin cushion, barrel distortion, and mild spiky halo, and some other ity bity tweaks.
my goal for modifaction, was to make it look like an old tube tv, POS, thing
really oldi'sh,

damn fucking nice. I know this is out of topic but for how long have you been playing Counter Strike???

Havent been playing any Source games
For reasons, Slow pc, old, falling apart,
Last Source game i played was DOD
Im just afraid to get rid of my CS:S logo in my sig, cus i might not have it saved
lol its classy to me..