look what this nigga just got!!!1111

I used to have one of those for half a night or so in Wacken a few years back and then I woke up and gone was my dignity, my clothes, my drinking horn, my hopes for a bright future, my sanity and my cleanliness... and all I got in return was one of the worst hangovers ever which caused me to lie dying in the sun until Immortal started playing so I puked four times in different colours (black, greev, yellow and clear) and some nice lady came and was all OMG HOW R U and shit and I was like löl take a wild guess
I really want a heavy duty pewter tankard too. but at www.steins.com they are $45. I might say fuck it and buy it anyway.
they are simple looking, but still cool. I want to slam this on tables and shit..... singing hobbit songs. :yell:


i really need to get a high resolution picture of this goblet i have, it has no less than four PERFECT renditions of dürer masterpieces, fucking thing is gorgeous.

and i only drink white russians out of it, what in the god damn. :dopey: