looking for a good death band


Jan 30, 2007
soo... ive heard the new Behemoth and i just love the brutality of the music. although i have a problem. i dont like those kind of growls! im having the same problem with gore and brutal bands. ifind the music very nice, but cant listen to those growls.

doy ou have any suggestions on bands who have the sound AND the vocalist?

thanks :)
So... you want death metal without the death metal vocals? Here's my advice:

Keep trying on the death vocals. Most people have trouble getting into them, myself included, but eventually I got to the point to they were about all I preferred. If I can understand your lyrics then I probably don't want to hear them.

Buuuut, if you want some transitional bands to get you to that point, perhaps you could try Strapping Young Lad (get Alien and City) if you haven't already. Not death vocals and certainly not a death band, but more screams/clean singing. He has a great voice; one of the greatest! And the music is nice and heavy/chaotic. I can't think of anyone else at the moment...

Good luck!
Katatonia new stuff might work for you...it may not be considered death by some but it's depressing, and that kinda works for me I guess.

But here are some Death bands I'd reccommend


There you go mate
Try some death-influenced thrash, like The Gathering by Testament, epic album...or stuff like Symbolic or Individual Thought Patterns by Death, chuck delivers some powerful screams on those albums, definetely not the typical death metal growl. Can't really think of any other bands, sry.
yeah you might want to ease yourself into it, like the guy above suggested. My first death metal album (well it's technically thrash but with death vocals) was when Sepultura - Arise came out. I couldn't get into the vocals but with a little persistence, I was in.

it's worth the effort - you will find that so much music opens up to you once you get used to it. same goes for black metal - first time I heard Emperor I was like wtf but then it clicked and I was in love.

funny that you are posting on an Opeth board yet you don't like growled vox...
thanks all! i sure am going to try everything. ill try to explain myself a bit more. i like opet's heavy sound (and the mellow sound... and practically any sound opeth makes), i like the sound of 3 inches of blood, but with the lower growling, i like the way eluveitie sounds...
i dont like screaming to much either.
i know im being a picky, but...
I loved the vocals when I first listened to death metal, The first death metal album I got was Obituary-Cause of Death, I recommend that. Or check out Pestilence's first album, it is really thrash influenced. But without the death vocals, I don't really consider it a death metal band.
Sepultura is a very good rec, Beneath the Remains and Arise are classic albums, i like Chaos A.D a lot too but it is more like Groove thrash, actually they are sort of a gateway band that will make you tolerate or even start enjoying DM growls.
ok, ive got insomium's above the weeping world. thats really good stuff!
ive this problem with growls, i like some, but others i dont. (i like Betzefer, but not carcass, for example...)
Decapitated's new album, Organic Hallucinosis.

Annnnd....Vader, ftw.
You might want to try some growlers and screamers that are easy to decipher what they are saying (besides Mikael). Like Peter Tagtgren from Bloodbath and Hypocrisy or Paul Kuhr from November's Doom (he's REAL good). Maybe Daylight Dies' Nathan Ellis.
yes, no matter what your views are on death growls right now, dont give up. when still life came out in 99 i bought the album for the clean parts, i hated the growls. but as the months pass, i began to appreciate opeth as a whole and i started listening to more and more bands with death metal growls.

i'd definetly recommend a band like insomnium, not the greatest band in the world but the vocals arent too crazy and the music has some nice contrasts of acoustic/death metal.

in short, dont give up on the growls, it'll be worth it.
I'm kinda starting to really like Amon Amarth. Totally evil vox with melodic guitars and some totally awesome beats.
Totally dumb lyrics, though.
ill try them, although lyrics are a major thing for me. (weather i understand them or not :))

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im now getting into older agalloch (till today had only AATG). good stuff, though not sure its real death. i just love the dissonance between those amazingly heavy-satanic-evil riffs and the divine mellow parts. also true for other bands (opeth, the haunted...)