Looking for a hi hat mic..


May 28, 2009
Hey guys, I'm looking for a hi hat mic, I've tried just using my overheads but it doesn't work for me, I like using a separate mic on the hats. I'm on a tight budget, I'm a poor student so maybe around $100. I like the Shure SM81 but it just costs too much right now. I'd like a SDC but would I be better off grabbing a SM57 off eBay?

Thanks & Godbless
honestly? i tend to use whatever I have left after micing the rest of the kit. 57 will work fine.
honestly? i tend to use whatever I have left after micing the rest of the kit. 57 will work fine.

Ditto. Unless I have a huge mic collection at my disposal, the hi-hats are of the lowest priority and I often end up leaving the HH track muted in the mixing stage anyway. I just use what I want for the other pieces of the kit and then throw whatever dynamic or SDC I have left on the hi-hat.
Do you use the high boost on the SM7 when you record hats? I did this before and the hats became a bit harsh... But maybe this was caused by the hats too.
So I shouldn't buy it on eBay :(?

...atleast I wouldn't, because the real 57's don't lose value, so even if you get it for 80 bucks, then you add the shipping, so you saved a whopping 10 bucks with a chance of getting a fake, yay :Smokin: For example eventho the seller is the same this one has one real and one fake and this one has two real ones (or two fake ones), you can see them if you look at the grills closely.
Just got a Audix f15 for this purpose. They're on clearance on musicians friend for 50 dollars with a free cable and shipping in the states. They're not great but they're not bad at all either. Perfect for spotmicing hats or other cymbals

For that cheap they're a steal.
Just got a Audix f15 for this purpose. They're on clearance on musicians friend for 50 dollars with a free cable and shipping in the states. They're not great but they're not bad at all either. Perfect for spotmicing hats or other cymbals

For that cheap they're a steal.

I'm interested.. They are $70 on MF but $50 on ebay.
sm57 is absolutely cool. I also love it as the ride cymbal spot mic. isolates from the other kit just fine
(a small offtopic: but my favourite is AKG C-414 in figure-8 diagramm. gives very tight, massive, definite hi-hat, isolates from the kit just perfectly. a lot of body in the mix)