Looking for a Keyboard player--Hou, TX

Dr. Philgood

New Metal Member
Jul 13, 2002
Houston, TX
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Metal band (Houston TX) looking for a talented keyboard player. Band has 2 guitarists, & drummer. Writing & playing original material. Have some licks written already, but are open for more ideas. We are leaning more towards being an instrumental band----hence plenty of soloing experience is preferred, so be ready to cut loose! Our sound so far is like Children of Bodom meets Dream Theater.
what is your band called? more info please.... btw, i am not looking to fill your position, just wonderin cuz your close by....:)
Hard to say now... The drummer likes "Spontaneous Combustion"
alot... He likes it so much that he went out & had blue & purple & black flames tattooed up his arms (freaky fucker). If we don't come up with anything else before we start playing live, that may be it. We still have a bit more material to put together yet though. I'll keep ya posted.