Looking for an alternative to the AMPEG Bass-Sim...


Nov 23, 2007

does anyone of you know a good ampsim for Bass?

I'm using AMPEG SVX, but I'm not satisfied with that tool because it never runs really stable and I'm missing deepness. It seems always to be more boomy than offering a round and real sounding bass.

I'm open for every suggestions. Freeware or commercial tools.

If you want to try the free route, Lextac with a good bass cab impulse works REALLY well too!

Agreed. Just discovered this the other day by accident (plugged my bass into what was supposed to be a guitar track, lol). Lextac has really fantastic clean sounds that apply to bass, too. Give it a shot!
BA112. Very punchy, the tone switch really helps get a sound quickly. Like most amps there's a bit of hiss.
Loud enough for a home studio.

There's no effort required to make it sound like a real amp.


Tried using that for a demo in a session a couple of weeks ago. The hiss was really, really prominent so I ended up going straight into line. Is it really that noisy or was it a faulty unit?