Looking for bands like Septicflesh


Dim Sam
Jun 6, 2006
Harlequin Forest
Well, the guys over at Encyclopedia Metallum didn't really help me, well they just ignored me completely :lol:
I'm looking for bands that combine the gothic style of orchestration and choirs with death metal.
I'll be glad if you guys could help me find some - my reference for you guys would be the two last albums by Septicflesh, Sumerian Daemons & Communion

Thanks! :kickass:
Ermm, Virgin Black I guess, they are kind of doom metal, but they are more than just that, Rowan London sings Opera and also growls, but I wouldn't consider it death metal. Although they do combine 19th century classical music. Check them if you haven't already, they are very good I think. And the kiss of God's mouth is awesome.
Dimmu and Moonspell? Pretty loose comparisons.

This isn't a comparison, but if you like hearing very different kinds of death metal (like Septicflesh) then try Lykathea Aflame - Elvenfris. Awesome cd with middle-eastern influences.
Well, I've tried some Moonspell. They're pretty cool and all, but not really what I was looking for. I'll look into those recommendations, thanks Indrid Cold and baarg.