Looking for Elias!!!!


Dec 7, 2002
Hey man it's Thrak!!!

Please get that package to the Edge!!! They have some Metal show's coming that way soon and we want to be on those bills!!!!

Thanks man and if you need to give me a call, I should be around later tonight.

Yeah they said they have some Heavy acts coming through and could see us on some bills if Elias doesn't lag. Lets hope we get some kick ass shows that way.


P.S. Bear and Jon RULE!!!
What's up everyone. Dude, why didn't you get in touch with me via phone. You can call me anytime you need to! Anyway, already made plans to head down to The Edge tomorrow. I was actually going to go today and was all set to do so when I had a rather unpleasant emergency at work that it would be best not to detail here (BTW, I'm a drug/alcohol counselor, those of you who don't know). So my plans were crapped upon. I am, however, driving down there tomorrow. Hope that works.

Call me if there are any problems. I'm sure once he hears the material all will be well. Or at least here's hopin'
