Looking for Info on the Sounds of a playground fading bass sound


Aug 30, 2004
I just wanted to ask if anyone knows the specifics of the Soapf bass recordings.
There are some very informative threads on their previous albums'
bass recording/mixing but only some youtube vids on the last one.

From what I've seen it's an ampeg mic'ed sound + the original di running through
a lomenzo ashdown into an mxr m80 di+.

I could be completely wrong of course...

Anyhow, if anyone can shed some light, I'd appreciate it.

Dont know nothing about it, sorry. But I just want to say that the mix its fantastic. A great reference for the low end and fat drums.
Nuno, I couldn't agree more.

Rapucore, since I don't own that, if you do get the time, please let us know what that is.

Also, any info on how the bass was mixed would be bril.

I just listened, cause I got curious. I don't know, isn't the low end very overpowering? I know it has become the trend to explore the low end more and more in the last years, but to me listening with a sub in the studio that bass is too overpowering
Skaldir, I can't really comment on that, might be worth re-adjusting your monitoring setup just to see how everything else sounds? Thinking that their producers would possibly have a very optimised setup/acoustics.

Rapucore, that'd be a big help, thanks in advance.
there was a thread about "The Tractor" quite a while back here on this board. I think somebody (was it Ermz?) toyed around with some MXR distortion pedal I believe in search of that sound.
Bass gear they ended up using (atleast these):
  • Ampeg SVT 3 Pro
  • Ashdown Lomenzo Hyper Drive
  • MXR M-80

The video shows the M-80, but Peter also has the Dime Distortion and he only mentions using "MXR" simply.
I'm pretty positive it's the M-80 they used.

Sadly, I have no info about the mix.
Colonel, that's the thread I was referring to, very informative.

Rapucore, yeap, that's what they mention on their studio vids on youtube.
Thanks for your time though.

I wonder how they mix that.. I understand the importance of the
2 pedals but does that signal go into an amp again? Too many questions. .

I hope people who have had good results with this will help out.