Looking for Jacob Hansen - style snare sample


Jul 7, 2007
Kassel, Germany
Hey there!
I´ve searched through many drumprogs like bfd or dfh and additionally tried to record + sample real snares in my entourage to get a snare sound like in many of Jacob Hansens productions (Fear My Thoughts, The Arcane Order, Maroon, Deadlock and so on).
These are the favourite productions of our drummer (he likes this lower and more bang-style of snare that can be found in the mentioned productions) and since we´re actually recording our LP we want to give it try with that kind of sound to somewhat blend it whith our tracked snare.
So does anyone have a sample comparable to it or ever tried to build one in this taste?
I allways ended up with this typicall "higher tuned" massive-attack stuff...

Best wishes,
