Looking for Maudlin CDs


New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2005
Yeah, yeah, I'm new here. Whatever. I'm mostly here just because I am on a mission.

I'm looking for Bath and Leaving Your Body Map

I can't find them anywhere, and they are out of print, as most of you are probably aware.

I checked on Ebay, no luck.

I ordered Bath on Half.com from an idiot vendor who actually didn't have it and claimed it was on back-order for 7 months before cancelling my order without asking...

Annnnd Amazon hasn't even heard of it.

Anyone know where I can get it? I'm wanting it legal. Mostly for the artwork, but also because that's just how I do it, generally speaking.

Any recommendations are gladly appreciated. Thanks!

Edit: Feel free to IM me.
I've seen Bath in the used bin at Newbury Comics. Plus, I don't listen to my copies. Ever. Still, it's got Greg Massi and I'm an uber-huge fan of his upcoming solo work so no way in hell am I parting with the discs. They'll just sit here. Unused.
inkybmistro said:

add the titles to your watch list.
Thanks, I did that.

As I said though, I've already had one bad experience with Half.com (run by Ebay). I ordered Bath from a company back in September, and for 7 months they kept telling me it was on back order. They kept asking if they could cancel the order and refund me, but I couldn't find the CD elsewhere so I said to keep it open. But then this last week they just cancelled the order without even asking me.
When DS first stopped selling bath and lybm, I emailed them to ask if they had any copies, and the reply was something like this:

"uh, no. haha, fuck you! (where'd you get this guy?)"