Looking for melodic/thrash vocalist collaboration


Feb 18, 2006
Me and a friend of mine have recorded an EP of 5 thrash-esque songs. We've managed to find a vocalist for each track except one which is the most melodic and where we'd prefer someone who can do good clean vocals.

Was wondering if there's any clean vocalists out there who'd wanna have a try?
Lyrical content and arrangement is totally up to you.
The track itself sounds a bit like megadeth.

We've actually decided to re-record everything if possible, which will happen in the next few weeks, and if so, this song will be dropped to Eb, instead of E.
Just basically to get a tighter guitar sound a better drum sound, and have the songs all recorded in the same session, as currently they've all been recorded at different times with different equipment.

Any takers contact me via email (PM box is full)! :D controldenied0@yahoo.com
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