Looking for mix feedback, please! [Deathcore]

one critique i think the guitars need more balls, theyre almost in the shadow of the vocals, maybe try multiband compression on the guitar buss, also M/S compression will allow you to bring up overall levels of the sides and control center levels as well as compression levels, could give it some life, sidechaining drum buss to be triggered by a kick also works well to give the drums a slight bit of pump, with the multiband try compressing some of the lows and expanding a bit of the highs to kind of work around the vocals fuck with the attack and release times of the higher frequencies to get a real nice effect! just my two cents
maybe a slightly later attack time on the side guitars and a faster attack on the center guitar signal to all the transients to reall come out on the sides while staying out of the way of the vocal transients in the center
vocal automation to give the vocals some life that was lost in compression would also really help! on the overall vocal compressors try a release of around 5-10ms and attack 20-30ms, for some transient punch, maybe get it working with the guitars to create a real glued together sound...maybe a transient designer early in the chain or harmonic generator around 2k on guitars to bring out some pick attack to bring back some life as well
lastly turn down the vocals a little bit, sinking em back in the mix causes the listener to strain to hear a slight bit, which psycho-acoustically imparts a more pissed off vibe for the track to the listener and makes it more live as if you were actually hearing them onstage... more air in the guitars would be really nice too, 10k or so
lol yeah... multiple posts, i was listening and typing as i heard and felt.. hope this gives you a few ideas!