Looking for Never Purify tab...


doom cock....
Aug 21, 2006
Nu Jersey
I heard a few people around here had it. I'm particularly interested in the opening chords and the solo....(oh god, the solo:notworthy)

If anybody can hook a brotha up, it would be greatly appreciated.
I've been asking for this for a while. I know someone here has it.
This and Create the Infinite, but I've never heard back.
still waiting............................... :waah:
it's not in the MysongBook collection (either of them)
I don't have time to figure this stuff out be ear anymore.
I wish I did.
Job ,wife, kid etc. I need tab so I can just grab it, read it and go.
I've been playing on and off for over 20 years, I don't need to 'train my ear"
anymore, (luckily my ear is pretty good) but my time is so freaking limited that I'd rather spend my "playing" time working on mechanics and theory than trying to figure out other peoples chops by ear.
I've already figured out a lot of Never Purify but I'd like to check it against
someone else's interpretation. If I had time (and actually knew how to tab stuff ( I would do a version and post it up somewhere)
sorry don't mean to rant :)