Looking for people to do reviews for my site.


Aug 14, 2002
NB Canada
all you need to do is sign up at the forums on my site The UnderGrowth and you can submit CD reviews or concert reviews to me and i'll add them for you. you dont have to post on the forums if you dont want to i just ask for you to sign up. Go to the album reviews page to find out what info you need to send with the reviews.
yea i just did a new update tonight. havent had the time for one in over a week. reviews i dont do as much because im really not that good at writing them. thats why i try to get the site members to submit theres.

I use Dreamweaver so my updates are quit quick and easy to do.
Originally posted by Necromaster
So Static when you going to send me some reviews?

anyone else interested in writing reviews for my site?

Sorry man, I've been away for ages, and I'm really lazy as well. :grin:

What should I review?
Hey man, I've decided to start writing a review of Pan-Thy-Monium's Dawn of Dreams, I'll send it your way when I'm done.

Hope you don't mind that it isn't exactly recent, like 1993 or something.
