Looking for recommendations: Keyboard laden music...


Apr 19, 2005
I'm trying to find some more keyboard heavy music, specifically in the style or type like below:


And the keys @ 3:20 in this DT song

Not sure how to describe the sound of the keys, but I'm not looking for power metal keys, something more along the lines of a moogy(?) analog synth style. I used to (and still do) love The Anniversary from back in the day and I think it all stems from spinning this song on record over and over again when I was a kid:

If you are liking Arena, make sure to check out Shadowland, which was Clive Nolan's previous band. EXCELLENT keyboard heavy material.

Also check out Haken, which is very keyboard focused, but with a more metal slant to it than Arena, while maintaining a more prog-rock oriented songwriting approach.
Swanö's Moontower album. Also The Few Against Many's Sot album. Both of these records are "extreme" but they use moog-ish sounding keys. I'm a big fan of that sound too.
The first name that comes to mind is Erik Norlander. He plays around a lot with analog synths.


As for the specific sound, I think it is in this song somewhere:

Edit: Yes, starting at about 10:40.

You also might have more options asking this question on Progressive Ears.
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Amorphis' 'Tales from the Thousand Lakes' of course....

I'm a huge Moog-ish-sound fan also, metal could definitely use some more. If you want some prog rock too, go dive headfirst into the Pulsar and Camel discographies as well.
Awesome, thanks for the replies...got a bunch of stuff to go thru now!

I forgot to mention it could be prog oriented, prog rock, or even AOR....really anything with that kind of keys...

Liking the Haken (the vocals grew on me thru that 17 min song) and Norlander....
Ayreon is a must. The Human Equation album has some splendid synth/keyboard parts.

Agreed! But......

Some of my favorite keyboard work from Ayreon is on Into the Electric Castle. Especially the organ parts.

...I'd lean toward this one for that more progressive, Moog-y sound. One of my favorite albums (albeit a 2-disc release) ever!

Swanö's Moontower album...."extreme" but they use moog-ish sounding keys. I'm a big fan of that sound too.

Wow, yeah, Moontower is great. He really needs to revisit, uh, himself ( :) ) and do another solo release. :kickass:
Not to shamelessly self-plug (not that there's anything wrong with that, but...) well, feel free to check out Oceans of Night and feel to hop on over to YouTube here for the . This might be blasphemy and worthy of my being drawn and quartered by Mëtalspëd, but hey, why not? :-)

mëtålspëd;10066917 said:
Keyboards are a scourge upon modern metal. That and sap happy female vocalists. Wish I could be of more help haha
See above. Wait until next time, I'll have Patti Smyth on a few tracks. lol...
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