Looking for some advice on mix


Oct 7, 2009
Hey there, I'm back hehe. Just looking for advice on anything I could do to improve the clarity of the mix, to me it just sounds like mud and I need the input of a fresh set of ears:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3357861/Execute the Dark.mp3

So if anyone has any advice that could help separate the individual tracks a little more please feel free to share. I currently have the snare and kick drum parallel compressed and the bass is DI running through sansamp psa1 just so you know. Thanks a bunch

A simple way to improve clarity is to try to make every instrument fit in their own frequency range. I think the guitar and bass in this song are sharing some frequenzys that make it sound kinda cloudy and unclear.

The mix sounds very good overall! But you should put some more lowpass filter on the rhythm guitars. The sound of them fatigued my ears listening through the whole song.
My bad >.>

I drank a ton of beer tonight.

My lowpass is currently 12000hz...not 80hz hahaha

I will turn it down and repost :P