looking for some work done


New Metal Member
Aug 23, 2010
Hey folks,

don't know if this is the right place to post this, But

looking at getting some:

turning gp5(guitar pro) drums into addictive drums etc..

we are metalcore band and are looking for a august burns red/devil wears prada/texas in july type of sound.

we don't have a big budget, but would be able to offer some dollars your direction.

if your interested let us know

here is a gp5 drums midi file from one of our songs, see what you can do,

depends on the amount of work.
so you are asking someone to :

- turn midi drums into "real sounding drums" via slate or else ?
- then send the songs over to let you guys record bass, guitars, vocals ?
- then reamp that stuff
- mix the song

is that for only one song ? or are we talking ep or even album ?

i think there are people here willing to do that for free.
but for more experienced folks here:

my advice to you guys would be, search through the forum and listen to samples of what people did,
then pm them for rates.
yeah basically we are releasing our first recording. not an ep or anything, rather a demo. But we would like it to sound good, if you know what i mean. Thanks for you advice man
yeah basically we are releasing our first recording. not an ep or anything, rather a demo. But we would like it to sound good, if you know what i mean. Thanks for you advice man

you're welcome ;-)

keep in mind that editing might be a crucial part for a great sounding recording in the genre you described. the good part about this is, that you guys have midi drums, so no endless drumedtigin going on. but midi drums
never sound great, if you dont invest some good time making them sound real (in terms of velocity and timing).

so if your not as experienced id also consider editing , as this is not part of the mixing process.

also dont forget the mastering (also crucial to a great sounding product).
You'll probably find what you're looking for from some of the newer members of the community here. Most professional mixers unfortunately would charge a fair bit for that work load. What's proposed isn't solely mixing but rather actual sound design, editing, mixing, reamping & then mastering to top it off. It's a fair amount of work.

I'm sure some of the newer guys are keen to jump on the offer, but if you're looking for a proper job you may want to be clear about your budget, as that will help you weed through your options.

Good luck!
we are basically look at around $30-60 USD per song as this is just a demo..but in time we will look to record a ep and will have a proper budget.
mixing... check
gp5 -> sample drums of some sort... check
spend time reamping -> check
master... check

Payment... $40 or so US... *palmtree* <- I figure I wouldn't use the usual face palm here