Looking for someone that can create logos


New Metal Member
Apr 15, 2006

we are looking for a good logo, the one we have now is thrown together.
we will be playing shows soon and need a good strong logo.

I apologize if this is a bad place to post this.

something i was thinking of would be a banner style "Empire Down" in a font simular to trajen pro, with a crest or herald of some sort centered behind the E and D. maybe with some skeletal wings coming out of it..
hell I dont know I just play guitar!

anyway just thought I would ask here, I know somewhere is someone that can do us up good!!

thanks for reading!!
I would be more than delighted to create your bandlogo. BUT....

with proper payment.

I found similar requests on other Forums where you're searching for someone to do a "professional" job for literally nothing.

This will not work out. At least take in account that the artist will spend working time on your request.

You may get someone to do the job for almost free, but don't expect the result of being "pro".
yup I have asked on other forums.

But never asked for it for free.. and i never "expected pro".
I did offer some compensation on one forum, in form of shirt, cd, whatever

but it was in the photoshop forum under the free request forums. Or the cafe forum under freebies, or a simular forum where people look and take requests..
I totally expect whoever wants to do it will contact me and we can decide on compensation.

I didnt mention anything in form of payment because I have no idea what it costs to get something like this done. so was waiting to see what was said about it. no ill intentions at all!
hey reg3n, I only see two drawings in your gallery there, but they're fuckin ace! nice job dude, you're pretty cool. Anywhere I could see some band artwork you've done? just out of fun, I have my own personal designer who does all my band stuff, but your stuff is pretty good so I wanna check it out
actually i can only show shitty stuff from the last 5 years or something, so recently (like half year ago) i removed all the ole shit and just left those, the other shit has copyright :( , and this forum kept me away from the wacom all this time :P, thanks for the compliments!

I cant get to myspace from work, ill check it when i get home this night.
He is good.
One problem im running into is that there are 5 people in this band, and all have to agree on the logo..
therefore paying one person to create it before we know what we are getting is kinda hard to do.
