looking for work and live in the indiana area?

damnit, where was this opportunity last year when I was broke living back at home in Indiana?

Good luck though man. Your work is sick.
If there was any way to do this online I would totally love to work with you. I would even be willing to move down there in the next few months if stuff worked out. let me know I am a big fan of your work and would love the opportunity.
Can you give us a description of what exactly you're looking for? I just want to be sure that we are on the same level before I send my info to you. To what degree of quantization, pocketing, tuning? etc. If we all understand what your looking to get you will have more ideal applicants.

Would you have any interest of doing this online? We could set up a server to host the files.
Can you give us a description of what exactly your looking for? I just want to be sure that we are on the same level before I send my info to you. To what to degree of quantization, pocketing, tuning? etc. If we all understand what your looking to get you will have more ideal applicants.

i should have clarified. basically i'm looking for someone who can take human recorded takes and tune / quantize them. currently i spend about most of my time doing this and my creativity on a record suffers because of it. the editing work would include drums, bass, guitar, and vocals.

for drums, you'd be taking 10 - 12 tracks and quantizing those to grid by hand in nuendo (specific methods could be taught to applicant, but the person would already need to understand what he/she is doing)

for bass, pitch correction and quantizing/pocketing to drums

for guitars, minimal pocketing human takes to drums/grid, pitch correction for monophonic guitar parts.

vocals (singing), pitch correction (autotune graphic mode) quantizing main takes to grid, quantizing doubles / harmonies to main take

vocals (screaming), quantizing

all of my work is in nuendo 3.2, and for pitch correction i use melodyne / auto tune in graphical mode (melodyne for bass, auto tune for vocals / guitar)
Yea if it was protools my bags would be packed! I already do this full time and would have no problems moving or working along side of Joey but my Nuendo skills are nota! :erk:
Not meaning to thread-jack but could someone explain "pocketing" to me?
haven't heard that one before.

Basically its quantizing things so like the guitar, bass, and kicks ext... all hit at the same time (transients line up) so things sound tight and professional. Thats the basic idea to pocketing, and its a tedious job but worth the effort when its done.