Looking to find a copy of "A Moonclad Reflection"


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
Preferably the less-rare print (in good condition). I've been searching for a long while, and I'm sick of waiting for it to pop up on eBay. I thought perhaps someone on this forum was trying to get rid of a copy that I hadn't seen. I would prefer to trade CDs and Vinyls (i have a few rare items) but if you will sell only... then name a price.

Send me a PM or e-mail at mahavishnumaximus@yahoo.com

Schwedentod said:
Try this at ebay:


It says shipping only to D, A and CH, but you could send the seller an E-Mail.

BTW, I'm still lokking for the "Trail of Life decayed"-EP (not the demo-tape)... if anyone reads this... *lol*

thanks for the help. I've e-mailed the guy... and as for the Trail of Life Decayed 7''.... I sent you a PM.
I had the bid for a while, but its past 60 dollars and the reserve is still not met! Thats sort of ridiculous for a reserve....

still looking :( , and I'm getting desperate! anyone want to help out? I'll pay good money.
I hate to keep bumping this up, but I'm still looking. I thought if I searched everywhere, everyday, I would have some succes... but no.