Loomis 60 minute instruction video Guitar DVD

I found it in the Magazines @ Borders so anyplace that carries Guitar World will probably have it since its published by them.
Man, Barnes and Nobles didn't have it so I had to go HEB (think Kroger) and find it. Well worth it just to see Jeff play! I'm happy :) Thanks Saculus for making this known, because I would've probably never known about this if wasn't for your post. :kickass:
Man, Barnes and Nobles didn't have it so I had to go HEB (think Kroger) and find it. Well worth it just to see Jeff play! I'm happy :) Thanks Saculus for making this known, because I would've probably never known about this if wasn't for your post. :kickass:

Glad to help, the DVD is better than the other "Metal" Guitar DVD for the most part and the lessons get hard quick at least for me:lol:.