Loomis & Broderic Head To Head !!!!

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Haha, I feel your pain! (all I can say is this: After my experience at The Pound I'll never have children!)

Once again, amazing video...I think its a tie personally. :saint:
Most of the pics of me in the front row are me headbanging like a madman. Theres a shot of me in the loomis-broderick video where I have this dumbfounded look on my face after chris had just played something. Loomis and Broderick are my two favourite metal guitarists, but I think Chris edged Jeff out in this one.
Yea that show was pretty damn intense for people pushing and trying to get up front. I wedged my leg inbetween a poll and gripped the railing for dear life, but Im paying for it in agony today, so damn sore.
Andy Sneap said:
Loomis wins due to strap length
Aahahahaha - That's hilarious. Chris always says "I'd rather play well, than look cool." Jeff drops to his knee to push his guitar up without having it as high normally. They're both awesome.
That vid clip has made it everywhere, including a boat racing site I'm on. Me thinkis jeffery was better. :) I have been out of touch with crazy going ons in my life, No Steve this tour? I'm seeing them friday in Ft Wayne and Saturday in Grand Rapids again. And hulloooo everyone again, including Will and Karen! :)