Lord Belial - Nocturnal Beast


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I've always heard of Lord Belial but never actually heard them. So these guys are 7 albums in and only now am I getting around to hearing them. I'm not sure what their other releases are like but Nocturnal Beast is excellent.


Completely mid-paced throughout -- it's all very "occult" sounding with songs like "invocation of the 78th demon" or "demonic possession". Harsh vocals, no clean, but influences stemming all the way back to Mercyful Fate.

Any other fans of Lord Belial? Here is the website: http://www.lordbelial.com/. Not sure what songs are listed on their myspace but attempt to look for anything on Nocturnal Beast.
I've been listening to them for years. It seems that each album has a great track or two, maybe a few amazing moments, and the rest is basically standard fare. They do what they do very well. I've owned all of their stuff (except the last release) but currently only have:

Kiss The Goat
Enter The Moonlight Gate (my favorite :kickass:)
The Seal of Belial

They are a solid outfit.
Hmmm, I bought their split with Runemagick (excellent band by the way) like two three years ago, but I still haven't checked out their side of it. Suppose I should, huh?