
Sep 4, 2002
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just read this shit its so funny.
i love this quote


Tolkien has influenced many rock and rollers. The song "Misty Mountain Hop" by the demonic hard rock group, Led Zeppelin, was inspired by Tolkien’s writings. Marc Bolan, of the rock group Tyannasaurus Rex, created a musical and visual style influenced by Tolkien. The heavy metal rock group Iluvatar named themselves after a fictional god from Tolkien’s work The Silmarillion. Others could be mentioned.

The world knows its own; and when the demonic world of fantasy role-playing and the morally filthy world of rock and roll love something, you can be sure it is not godly and it is not the truth.

i don't care if it is christian allegory and tolkein was a catholic. the fact remains, it has "occultic imagery" in it. and hippies like it. so it's evil.
Originally posted by saturnix
i don't care if it is christian allegory and tolkein was a catholic. the fact remains, it has "occultic imagery" in it. and hippies like it. so it's evil.

heh, it's not evil :p
And it´s not christian either.
Tolkien was simply creating the prehistoric legends he felt england was missing, after having read some of the nordic sagas, and generally studing all sorts of things about old england.

so it´s a national heritege kinda thing.
i read in some kids research thing yesterday that harry potter is satanic and all the wizards are training to be criminals nad that the bit where they're pulling out crying mandrake root babies or whatever, it symbolises the sinful act of abortion
My friend's parents are jehova's testicles and he tells me all kinds of stupid funny stories. He tells me his dad tells my friend he is possesed by a demon, and that the reason he dislikes harry potter so much its because his inner demon ( lol ) is actually of higher rank, and rival of the harry potter's demon.

Gotta love those jehova's testicles.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
My friend's parents are jehova's testicles and he tells me all kinds of stupid funny stories. He tells me his dad tells my friend he is possesed by a demon, and that the reason he dislikes harry potter so much its because his inner demon ( lol ) is actually of higher rank, and rival of the harry potter's demon.

Gotta love those jehova's testicles.

:lol: :lol: :lol: