Lord Weird Slough Feg / Ironsword Split 7"


So this is $11 plus $4 shipping. Man, that is a lot for a 7" two song EP. Still, it's a rarity and I'm collecting, so I might just wait one day and see what Tim or others can come up with. Damn the USD, it's only 6Euros in Eurotown.

500 limited edition (handnumbered) - I have to assume it'll still be available in 24 hours. *famous last words*
I should be getting mine also. I have to check. I'm probably getting around 30-50 of these. They will be cheaper than Hellride.
I will have these for around $8 a piece + 2 postage. They will be here in about a month.

You guys still interested?
Evil_Legend said:
I will have these for around $8 a piece + 2 postage. They will be here in about a month.

You guys still interested?

Tim - I'm interested, it's just that because only 500 have been printed, I want to make sure that we don't miss out. If you think there'a any risk with you getting it, then let me know, otherwise no problem, I'll wait a month. And then I can order the MR digipak from you too.
Sure thing. I'll have these set in my order pile with your name on it.

Btw. I have SNAKE PIT MAGAZINE coming into my distro at a very good price. It deals with a lot of bands that I support and hail. Best metal magazine out there IMO.

All of the back issues are sold out.

I will have ISSUE #14 coming.

Go here for info: http://truemetal.org/snakepit/