LORDI win Eurovision!

woosta said:
First Wig Wam makes a run and now Lordi wins it? Awesome!

http://www.eurovision.tv/english/index.htm :OMG:
I find it still very hard to believe we won it - and with the most points EVER in the Eurovision contest, amazing.

Having seen Lordi live a couple of times they put up a silly fun show and I'm damn glad a hard rock band like them won the contest. We usually have some beyond horrible pop acts there who get like no points at all so this was a nice change, the best position for Finland before was the 6th place and that was ages ago.
To make this more on-topic on this forum, Pasi Rantanen from Thunderstone has been doing backup vocals with them and I'm pretty sure we heard him on the Eurovision contest too (the playback backup vocals) :) Not sure though, I wasn't cranking it too loud because I've heard that song way too many times by now heh
AWESOME, i have been a LORDi fan for awhile, its great to see a band like them win, I would love to see them in person, MAYBE a show at ProgPower USA VIII, or the pre-party.
This is a welcome outcome for sure. It's about time someone with some balls won this contest. I'm a big fan of Lordi and now maybe some others will check them out.
Meh, people who had no clue saw Lordi the first time last winter at the national qualifications. When the band won the televote in front of all the glittery poppers, there was a big cry in the media about letting the "satanic monsters" to ridcule the traditions of the ESC. :saint:

The debate went on heated all the way to the finals and declaring the winner last Saturday night must have been really a big surprise to all those Lordi-bashers.

Well, when people woke up next mornig and realized that Lordi really had won the silly pop-competition, most of common people were like "hell, yeah! awesome! At last Finland won after decades of trying." Surprisingly :rolleyes: Lordi became an instant "national hero" for them even if they didn't really know the band or hard/heavy rock the day before. :p

Anyway, the ESC is the biggest thing in the music industry with over 100 million crowd at their TVs watching the finals and the winner selling truckloads of records afterwards. Love it or hate it, there is no way anyone can ignore it's importance. For instance ABBA and Celine Dion have made their break-though by winning the ESC to name a couple. Also several winners have been forgotten just in a few months, but anyone with a big record label boosting them up may easily skyrocket worldwide.

Lordi is signed to SonyBGM who seem to understand the possibilities instantly, because they said that they'll push Lordi all the way to the US market, too. Looks good at the moment, the band already have got several new offers from the biggest rock festivals around Europe for this summer, and their latest CD "The Arockalypse" was released in March in Finland and will be released through all Europe in a few weeks.

If you say that Lordi isn't metal, you are propably right, but for the European metal scene their success will only give a big positive boost. One can only hope that in a few years there will be a genuine melodic metalband winning the ESC. :p
St Enigma said:
If you say that Lordi isn't metal, you are propably right, but for the European metal scene their success will only give a big positive boost.

The industry may get a big positive boost, but I do not see how the scene itself will benefit as seeing Eurovision as a legitimate promotional outlet will cause bands conform to Eurovision standards. I don't like that idea and think it would cause more conformity and watering down than we'd otherwise see.

I guess this is a good place to plug this again. :D
What Lordi Winning Eurovision Really Means: An Editorial
Didn't Nightwish enter this once? I swear I have a video on my comp of them in a contest thing playing something like Sleepwalker.

This is interesting just because if they're going against pop artists, by definition of the "genre," there should be more fans to vote for the pop artists than the metal band. I guess splitting up the fans of pop music between the rest of the contestants makes it easier for all the metal fans to vote for the one metal band. Would be nice if this opens up the field for more types of genres. I can't watch shows where all the contestants sing pop music and the "rebel" is the one singing pop soft rock (*cough*americanidol*cough*)
Jim LotFP said:
Apparently it's in the main guy's hometown, and they're renovating the square anyway. Winning Eurovision is a huge deal, so a little memorial of the whole thing might be appropriate.
It’s just a stupid contest ! I don’t know why they make such a big deal out of it !Last year when Greece won there was on the news all day long.Still it would be a great attraction to have a square named after a metal band,especially with a big memorial in the middle :lol:
Jibrille said:
Didn't Nightwish enter this once? I swear I have a video on my comp of them in a contest thing playing something like Sleepwalker.

They tried to get in, but failed to win the Finnish qualifying round, basically. Some controversy with them winning the popular vote but the judges deciding against them.