@Lordy i have a site for you hahaha

There was a video on there the other day of a car crash.A motorcyclist had been propelled into a fence and his head got caught between the fencepost and the mesh fence,it then emptied its contents everywhere.The video showed the rescue services retrieving his body and trying to dislodge what was left of his head from the fence.
Even i had to move away from the computer screen to a safe viewing distance.
check this out too.
No way I'm checking out any more of this stuff, I can gear enough sickness by myself, haha, but more because there's this dumbing off factor, I was just thinking of it yesterday as I was walking in the mall, when I was a kid everything seemed so vibrant and colourful and I could feel things with my senses, which have become so dumb by now, I don't even know what makes me happy and content sensewise. Like when as a kid I saw a beautiful persian carpet, my soul went "ooooh", and now cause everything's readily available to see, you see things everywhere, they've lost their significance. So what with the seventh Female Body? Nothing.
It's even the same with music, when I had much less music and I heard something I liked sometimes I felt that particular song or tune twisted my heart. I never feel that any more.
Numbness sucks, but I wouldn't say things have gone that far for me yet, and I've seen and heard (of) sick shit for sure.
Here's something for yer.