LOST guitar tab.


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
VERY rough.

It's late, and i don't have my guitar in front of me... so if something sounds wrong, then i probably wrote the wrong fretting, and you should get off your lazy ass and work it out yourself... I actually worked it out in full D tuning, yes, i fretted the open strings. the song is THAT easy to play, the one on the cd is only a half step down...


First Passage:



Second passage: Same as first, except it is on the open Eb, and the crazy fill this time round is:

. . . . . . . . .

The chorus (Let it ring... if it sounds wrong, move the whole figure up a fret... like i said, i don't have my guitar on me):


That trippy riff "Why should i come dooooown"
(It modulates later on, yeah, it's the same pattern, just starting at a different not... it's easy to work out)


That FUCKING HEAVY bit before the groove bit:
(I think there's also a different ending note on the second time around, but again, that's simple to work out)


The cool groove with the wack fill that i probably didn't write down properly... worst comes to worst, just bullshit it, and do an ah at the end... always works.



Anytime... is it okay? Or did i majorly blunder when i was writing? :lol: I didn't have my guitar on me, so i couldn't check the fret positions for each of the phrases.
The guitars are tuned down half a step, so i might have written the wrong starting note... i think it's around the fourth fret.

I didn't have a guitar in front of me, so it was only from memory.


i think its rather like this

two times

ah yeah, you're right... i left out the last Duuuuh Duuuuuuuuuh bits before the "Newnewnew newnewnew" fill :)
another thing....(maýbe wrong...inly got a worse quality bootleg thing here...)

it sounds like
uh... does it look like there is twelve strings on the tab? :lol:


A: your monitor is too small
B: you are on drugs, and your monitor APPEARS to be small
C: your resolution is really BIG.