Lost Horizon

Maybe they'll find a new singer.. and deliver a new album. Who knows. Great band.
they were pretty good but have not done anything since 2003 that I know of.
Heed is dead. Their first album is also very good. Hopefully they'll decide to continue on at some point.
Yeah its a shame they aren't doing anything as of now.

Really damn good power metal band--could have been a nice fit for a future ProgPowerUSA. Who knows, maybe they can get rollin again.
Yeah its a shame they aren't doing anything as of now.

Really damn good power metal band--could have been a nice fit for a future ProgPowerUSA. Who knows, maybe they can get rollin again.

They've been working on an album, just without a singer. But I lose hope after a few years of nothing (even though I've only known about them since 2006 or 7?).
<~~ Stick me in the LOVE this band still group... Both LH discs, and Heed as well (I like it 'caused it's a bit harder with alot more grit) are all on my heavily spinned section of the iPod...

Definite MUST owns... :kickass:
Lost Horizon-Perfect Warrior. One of the best metal songs ever period. They ooze cheese but who cares when your that good lol. I too heard they were recording an album then searching for a singer once it's done. Me and a friend always agreed that we'd like to see Kelly Sundown Carpenter front the band, would be a good match I think.
Last I knew... they were floating around a 4 track digital EP to see if they could snag a new record deal. Something transpire since?

Edit: I have it tagged as "Demo 2007".

From their myspace:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Heed on ice...


As you..ve probably noticed the last couple of years Heed has been very inactive.
So... we have decided to put Heed on ice!

All band members in Heed continues on their own with other projects but this myspace will still be up incase anything changes in the future.

Stay hard...

Don't forget Crystal Eye's "Confession of the Maker" CD as Daniel Heiman is on vocals.