Lost my wallet at the show last night.


Clad in Shadows
Sep 3, 2002
Under a Funeral Moon
I was at the BB King's show last night [May 1st]. During "Final Resistance" [last song of DT's set], someone yanked my wallet out of my pocket [the chain it was on broke]. I was looking around for it for the entire Soilwork set. Can't really enjoy a show when your wallet is gone. There wasn't any money in it [just 3 bucks to get back home.. I had my friend pay for me], just some important shit like my ID, my keys, my debit card, and other important shit. If anyone has any information at all, let me know.
Shit man that sucks, I hope you find it. Did you try talking to the people at B.B. Kings last night, or calling them today to see if anyone turned it in? I know if I lost something I would hope that someone would have the decency to do the right thing. Good luck man.
I talked to everyone I could last night, and no one found it. The funny thing is, I found a wallet on the ground and I gave it to security, and I end up getting mine stolen/lost/whatever.
Yea while we're at it, i banged my little pinky toe against a table while listening to punish my heaven and now i cant enjoy the song!

This is not your fucking personal lost and found forum you moron
Shut the fuck up, Mis.

Asphyxy, i hope you find it. I know how much that sucks, man, so i wish you best luck.
You should probably cancel your debit card though, if you haven't already.
Misanthrope said:
this is just plain spam this thread must be deleted.
Come on man, the guy's looking for his wallet. you're not being very reasonable. Give it a miss mis, if there's a chance he could get his wallet back by appealing here then why not let him try?

on topic - I'm thousands of miles away, I can not help you. My apologies.
King Chaos said:
if there's a chance he could get his wallet back by appealing here then why not let him try?

in theory, yes. in practice, if someone has found the wallet he won't be waiting for a forum topic to tell him what to do with it or whom it belongs to. can you imagine anybody walking out of a club with someone else's wallet, thinking "well, i might check online and see if the owner's looking for it on a band's official forum"?

so i'm sorry to say that asking here gets asphyxy nowhere. still, i'm leaving this thread alone for now, with the secret hope that someone will post a "last night at the dt show i lost my virginity" message, because that would be another good reason to block one's own debit card.

last friday, at the dt show, part of the roof caved in, manowar style. if someone here has kept any pieces, please overnight them to me. thank you.
I apologize for caring about my birth certificate, driving permit, keys, ID, etc. enough to use any means even if the chance of it being successful is slim to none. I mean, I sat through Soilwork so I could check the floor afterwards [knowing the chances of finding my wallet were zero], and I'm surely not the world's biggest Soilwork fan. I had no idea I'd get cursed at and called a spammer. I'm just a guy who enjoyed a DT performance and lost some important stuff. There were a lot of DT fans there [obviously], and as shown in the third post, at least one of the people at the show I talked to posts here.
Nevermind Missy, he's retarded. I dont think the internet will help much either, but good luck with your search and all ^^
rahvin: i'm seriously wondering if the roof stuff is for real. but then again i'm not very smart lately. :p
hyena said:
rahvin: i'm seriously wondering if the roof stuff is for real. but then again i'm not very smart lately. :p

it is, even. i'm sitting by the bar and then the roof starts leaking. the thrashy, amateurish people who run the club just shrug and put a couple of pails on the counter to contain the incoming humidity. liz and i move a few steps away to avoid the splash effect, but a couple of hours and many buckets later, a big section of the roof around the leak collapses on the bar and no more than twenty inches away from liz. it's not as if we could see the sky through the hole, but the pieces looked tougher than simple cardboard or plastic coating. soilwork kept playing without breaking stride.
rahvin said:
the thrashy, amateurish people who run the club

Did you mean thrashy or trashy? ;)

Sorry, it's just a pet peeve of mine, being Swedish and all and constantly subjected to the term "trash metal" in media :p
Since when do lollercopters get kickstarted? Honestly, I don't know whether to take you seriously anymore.
I was also there(at the performance).. so stfu Miss. It's understandable to post it here where the fuck else would somebody look but the official forum of the band he lost it at if he couldnt find it at the concert, assclown? Anyway yeah sorry to hear that.. but then again, you people shouldn't wear chains to your wallets hanging out at a fucking concert! I see a lot of people do it and i just wonder where their sanity is.