Lost my wallet at the show last night.


Clad in Shadows
Sep 3, 2002
Under a Funeral Moon
I was at the BB King's show last night [May 1st]. During "Final Resistance" [last song of DT's set], someone yanked my wallet out of my pocket [the chain it was on broke]. I was looking around for it for the entire Soilwork set. Can't really enjoy a show when your wallet is gone. There wasn't any money in it [just 3 bucks to get back home.. I had my friend pay for me], just some important shit like my ID, my keys, my debit card, and other important shit. If anyone has any information at all, let me know.
shit soz about that man when i saw nasum live i lost my wallet and it had my bank card in england it fuckin sucks when that happens
I was at the show too(my first).. yeah they went kinda crazy towards DT. Sorry to hear that : /.. you can get your ID & Debit card easily replaced tho.
Debit cards are dangerous to lose.... because the money comes out directly from the bank. (Unlike credit)
They need your pin number for the debit card, call your bank up and tell them the card got stolen,sorry to hear that man.