LotFP #61 is... IN!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... I easn't expecting it for another week!

But anyway, it will ship out tomorrow, Fri the 20th, as I have a couple of interviews today and I can't get to the post office today...


A look at metal journalism
An American homebody in a strange, strange land...

Spot on criticism regarding Dissection, dude. My hat's off to ya on that one.

I admit that I was excited that a new Dissection record would be coming out - until I read that story in BW&BK, and realized (as you pointed out so well), that Nodtveit has learned absolutely nothing during his time in prison (even his marketing skills are so, like, 1995). A pity (but I guess that's par for the prison course).

Coulda been an interesting record had he gained a conscience and presented some kind of insight to man's inner demons in his future projects rather than catering to the Beezlebub crowd. I am so fucking sick of religions. Ah well - another one to skip, my wallet will appreciate that at least.

Thought you let the Sonata guy off easy for his explanation of how they're different than Stratovarius. I'm not a fan of either band, but I have one record from each and his story that he sings with more variety is BS to my ears. That "Mother Gaia" (or whatever) on "Infinite" has plenty of soft, sickening crooning on it.

Liiva is a cool cat - I'm glad you give him a forum to speak his mind. I think it's pretty obvious now that Johan got the boot simply because Michael Amott was lookin' for a little stinky on the hang down (and I can't says I blame 'im). C'est la vie - if Hearse sticks around it's all good.

Will order that Provenance CD eventually - sounds interesting.

You're the only person I've seen give Runemagick a positive review, so I went to their site and listened to one of their mp3 clips for the first time - pretty cool, actually.

Matthew's review of Payne's Gray bummed me out - because I bought that fucking CD, listened to it once and loaned it to a friend - who gave it to his teenage daughter and now I'll never see it again. Only thing I remember about it is it was weird and the booklet was some big ass poster that was like trying to fold a road map after it was open.

Your mag coverage got me to go out and get a copy of Unrestrained! and Metal Maniacs (at Barnes & Noble where I went to get the Potter book for 40% off - I thought I was the only dork who listened to Death Metal and read Potter books) for the first time in months and months. I subscirbe to BW&BK, so I read that alla time. Haven't read U! or MM yet... but I figured I'd give 'em a shot. That one dude at MM really gets under my skin - don't remember his name, but he always writes something about himself that makes me never wanna be in the same room with him (the cat who was all hot over Doro).

So how the Hell did you end up with a girlfriend in Finland? Foreign exchange student you wooed with your Napalm Death cassettes? Enquiring minds wanna know.
numbskull said:
Thought you let the Sonata guy off easy for his explanation of how they're different than Stratovarius. I'm not a fan of either band, but I have one record from each and his story that he sings with more variety is BS to my ears. That "Mother Gaia" (or whatever) on "Infinite" has plenty of soft, sickening crooning on it..

... Sonata Arctica are nothing groundbreaking, but I like the melodies a lot... that interview was just to impress my girlfriend though, hehe... it got us backstage!

numbskull said:
So how the Hell did you end up with a girlfriend in Finland? Foreign exchange student you wooed with your Napalm Death cassettes? Enquiring minds wanna know.

Well the Flame Princess is Finnish... so I've had this thing for Finnish girls since like 96 or 97. When Sanna signed on my mailing list at the end of 2000 and announced she was Finnish... well... I started hitting on her immediately... and when she flew over to visit me for the first time last summer... that kind of sealed the deal. :)
great issue, the interview with solefald was my favorite, and the thing about dissection was right, it was my last free issue, but i'm going to subscirbe soon, keep up the great work
Got a free copy with my latest shipment of The End, I haven't read much of it but good for you on the Dissection bit. There was a discussion about Jon's uh... behavior in the Dissection forum here at UM not too long ago, made me sick. "Who cares if he killed someone? Jon's an evil dude, what do you expect?" Gives us down to earth metalheads a bad name. :)