LotFP Website Updates!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
LotFP site updates since last mailing:

Hunter Ginn reviews! Latest Orphaned Land http://www.lotfp.com/Reviews/OrphanedLand.htm and a classic from the past from Paraxism http://www.lotfp.com/Reviews/Paraxism.htm. He's an awesome writer and informative reviewer so don't miss these.

Also, the pro wrestling section of the site is opening up... with an editorial aimed directly at people who HATE pro wrestling! I agree! It sucks! 99% of the time! I explain in The Good and Bad of Pro Wrestling. http://www.lotfp.com/Editorials/GoodBadProWrestling.htm Even if it doesn't change your mind, it'll change your views. This feature also debuts the in-article easter egg gimmick to the site. ;)


Til next time...