louie the guy who says his catch phrase over and over again


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
ok i was watching an episode of Angel from the season one dvd last night and the actor playing a character in this one episode looked familiar and it turned out to be Ken Marino formerly of MTV's the state, the guy who playe louie.

After I recognized him I couldn't help but think how funny it would be if all of a sudden he was doing his love scenes for the episode with charisma carpenter and just yelled out:

"I wanna dip my balls in it!"
240 dollars....worth of pudding...........Awwww yeah, you ask me where I got 240 dollars worth of pudding?
Shhhhhhhh that ain't your concern. Right here I have a box of pudding, and on the directions, it says: cook and chill, and that's what I do all night long baby, I cook and then I chill!
Announcer: And now, from the people who brought you the James Dixon Sketch, it's "Attack of the Killer Robots!"

Voice: We don't have any killer robots.

Announcer: What's that? Oh, okay. Well then we're proud to present to you, "Attack of the Friendly Robots!"

Voice: Umm...we don't have any friendly robots, either.

Announcer: What, no...no robots at all?

Voice: Yeah.

Announcer: All right, well then it's "Attack of the Little Girl Sitting Under a Tree Writing a Letter!"
High Brow/ Low Brow
Joe: Hi. We're The State. You know, we've received a lot of reviews of our show. Some good, some bad. But here's two that we'd like to share with you right now. This is from the Chicago Sun Times, who gave us three stars. "MTV's The State slices and dices hypocrisy." Mmm. Mmm! And this is from the New York Post, who gave us a negative two stars, which is two stars less than no stars at all. "There seems to be a consensus fixation on penises and nascent peter-panism." I don't know...I don't know. Anyway, we've realized that, you know, different people like or dislike the show for different reasons, so tonight, we thought it'd be a great idea if we were all things to all people. Enjoy.

(Split screen. Left caption, "Low Brow" It's Ken in overalls looking strangely similar to an Inbred Brother playing with a whoopee cushion, and laughing hysterically. Right caption, "High Brow" with a suave looking Tom telling this barely-audible joke-)

Tom: So, Winston Churchill, when he was the Prime Minister, was at a dinner party, and he was seated next to a VERY attractive young lady. And Churchill turns to her, and he says, "Madam, would you have intercourse with me for a hundred thousand pounds?" And the lady says, "Why yes, I would." So then Churchill says, "Would you have intercourse with me for ten thousand?" And the lady says, "Why Mr. Churchill, what do you think I am?" And Churchill says, "We've already determined that. Now we're just trying to decide on a price."
Eating Muppet
Announcer: Meanwhile on the other side of town, unbeknownst to the Superfriends, a very pleasant dinner party was well underway.

Flash: Taxi, please.

Mrs. Bob (Todd): Oh, thank you both so much for finally having us over to your new place.

Steve (Mike S): Well, we are so happy you could be here.

Kerri: I'm going to the kitchen, would anybody like anything else?

Bob (Ken): Yeah, yeah. Could I get some more of this neon blue...I think it's meat?

Kerri: Sure Bob.

Bob: What is it, it's terrific!

Steve: Isn't it?

Bob: Yeah.

Steve: We never had any until we moved to the area, but now we are hooked!

Mrs. Bob: Is it fish?

Kerri: No, it's muppet.

Bob: I'll be darned. I didn't know you could eat muppet.

Kerri: Well, yeah, it was Steve's idea. We backed over one our first night here.

Bob: Huh?

Steve: Yeah, the little guy was learning his numbers off the licence plate, and it seemed like a waste to bury it, so I said, "Hey, let's fry it up!"

Bob: Waste, not want ...(?)...

Mrs. Bob: That's awful, eating run-over muppet!

Kerri: Oh, no. We didn't run over this one. Steve's become quite the hunter, haven't you sweetie?

Steve: Honey...

Kerri: Why don't you show 'em?

Steve: All right.

Bob: Come on Steve, (mumbles)

Steve: You're gonna love it, you're gonna love it.
(out the window) I sure could use some help counting to four.

Muppet: Well, we could start by counting the legs on our table.
Wha-ooww! (As Steve breaks its neck)

Bob: Oh no. Now, I'll never know how many legs a table has.

All: (laugh)

Bob: Hey, they got a lot of meat on there.

Kerri: Oh, but that's a green one. Try for a blue one, Steve. We only have red wine.

Bob: Oh, ooh! Can I try? Would that be okay?

Steve: Sure, yeah.

Bob: I wanna give it a shot.
Gee, the bus station is far. I wonder what's near.

Big Monster Muppet: Near.

Steve: Show us...far.

Big Monster Muppet: Far....

Steve: Yikes!

Bob: I was full anyway.

Kerri: Why don't you take one home as a pet?

Bob: That's a great idea.

Steve: The kids will love it!
Boy, I sure do wish I knew how to tie my shoes...I may trip...I wonder what words start with the letter "O"...I wonder...

David: Well, let's sing the "O" song, then. And it's gonna help you tie your shoes, too.
Did you know that I love that letter "O"
Tie up my old shoe-

Mrs. Bob: (over David's singing) I'm not taking that home to my son, because I'll end up cleaning up after it.

David: Hey, let's sing a song about Oregon, Oh!
OH!!! (as Steve breaks his neck.)

Kerri: Stay for desert?

Bob: Sure, always have room for that.
The Jew, the Italian and the Red Head Gay, we all live together on Avenue A, we have zany adventures from day to day.

David: The Jew!

Ken: The Italian!

Kevin: And the Red Head Gay!
UCB is great but the stat is greater.

: I'M A FREAK OF NATURE BRUCE! I can not honestly believe that you're being this much of a moron. I have a decade of experience in children's television, I'm a tireless worker, kids love me, and to top it all off, I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING BLUEBERRY!
Whoa whoa whoa.
Ken: Oh, mama. Just to think-a. The Pope-a. He's coming to eat-a here.

Mama (Kerri): I'm-a so proud. The restaurant looks so nice. And everybody put on their best-a white suit-a. So nice.

Ken: He'll be here soon, so let's get a quick bite to eat, hey?

Ben: Here's-a the sauce. (spills sauce on Ken)

Ken: Oh! Look at what you did to my best white suit-a. And the Pope-a is coming!

Joe: Pass-a the water, Vincencio (sp?)

Ben: (spills sauce on Joe, and then everyone)

Joe: This is-a no good! My nice white suit-a is ruined, and the Pope-a will be here any minute.

Mama: Just-a be careful with the wine!

Joe: (spills wine on everyone) Oh! Oh!

Mama: This is terrible. This is awful. Oh, what are we gonna do-a?
Look out-a for the mustard!

Ben: Oh, not-a the mustard!

Joe: Where am I gonna put the waste-a oil? (dumps it on Ken)

Ken: Look at what you did to my nice white suit-a!

Mama: And here comes-a the Pope-a.

Pope-a (Mike B): Hey! I'm-a the Pope-a.

All: Hey! The Pope-a!!

Ken: Sorry it is such a mess, the Pope-a.

Pope-a: That's okay!

Ken: The Pope-a. he's so nice-a.

Mama: We gotta you a gift-a the Pope-a.

Ken: Vicencio, (?) Give-a the Pope-a all of the grape-a juice-a!

Ben: (hoses down the Pope-a with grape juice)