Love Triangle


Jan 22, 2007
McCain makes an ad.


Obama responds to the ad.


McCain defends the ad.


and finally, Paris pwns them both. (Only video with full ad in it, plus extras)

I hate to say it, but not only am I amused, I dislike Paris just a little less now. Yeah I know this is probably old for most of you but I'm sharing anyway.

Oh, and that "18 year old like Obama terrifies me" chick at the end of the third video, if you wanna see that vid... here. She's SOOOO on McCain's payroll or a family member.

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Well yea no shit. But I wouldn't be surprised if she was partially the brains (no pun intended) behind it. Queen of controversy given the green light for a self-promo AND new excuse to offend someone on a massive scale? She's not quite as stupid as she comes across.
No she's not but I still think she's a dumb whore for tricking the young generation of girls that it's cool to be a fucking alcoholic moron slut with money.
Shit like this is the reason why people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura can run in political elections and win. :lol:

It's also the reason why nobody votes anymore, because like everything else in the world, politics has become a popularity pissing contest.

Long live the American Dream! :Puke:

BTW, Paris did pwn them both, which is, surprisingly, slightly gratifying. It's also quite disturbing that American politics has become this much of a shithole. I blame W, as usual.
politics is silly. and no, she didn't write that, mccain didn't write his, and obama didn't write his. it's called marketing.
WHY the fuck was paris hilton on the same building as obama?

She should be kept in a cage, unable to contact the outside world. Being thrown scraps of mildly rotten food every once in a while.