

Active Member
Oct 19, 2003
It seems that sometimes miracles do happen. Without exaggeration I can say that the last time I have enjoyed an "old school" metal band as much as Lovebites must have been somewhere in the eighties, which is even more surprising considering that Lovebites' music is mostly classified as Heavy/Power Metal (which I've never been a huge fan of, maybe except for Helloween's debut EP and "Walls of Jericho"), whereas only a few of their songs can be classified as Thrash Metal, which used to be my overall favourite subgenre in the eighties. Since I haven't seen them being mentioned here yet, I'm curious to hear what other old school metal fans think of them. So here are some of my favourite songs:

While you do find videoclips taken from the official DVDs "Daugthers of the Dawn" and "Five of a Kind" of the following songs (which are much more fun to watch than a mere picture of an album cover), I have decided to post only links to the audioclips, because unlike in the case of the videoclip of "Holy War", the videoclips of the following songs haven't been uploaded on Lovebites' own youtube channel, whereas the audioclips have. However, it shouldn't be a problem to find the videoclips, as long as they haven't been taken down - just make sure it's the version from their official DVDs and not some bootleg clip.

The first one, "Break the Wall" (the studio version is to be found on their "Battle Against Damnation"-EP), is one of my overall faves and also one of their heaviest songs (except for the second solo part) - the riffing during the verses reminds me a bit of Testament's "Over the wall":

"Epilogue" is their only "proper" ballad (the studio version is the final song on their second album "Clockwork Immortality"), but I have yet to hear a metal ballad I like better:

"Scream for Me" (the studio version is to be found on their debut "Awakening from Abyss") is perhaps a rather "ordinary" metal song, but I really like the guitar solo battle during the last 1 1/2 minutes - better to be seen in the videoclip - (and throughout the entire song, there are at least 2 or 3 solos which - to my ears - sound like they'd also fit somewhere on Megadeth's "Peace Sells..." and "So far, so what!"):

Those who - like me - enjoy Helloween's "Walls of Jericho" should also like "We the United" (the studio version is to be found on "Clockwork Immortality"), not only, but also because of the extensive solo-parts:

I chose live-clips instead of the original studio versions, because Lovebites sound better live than on their studio albums.

Anyone who likes the songs above, should also look for the "Wacken 2018"-videoclip on youtube. It's just half an hour with only five songs + intro, but those songs are among their best. (Not that there's any among their 38 songs I would consider "weak".)
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I'd heard one of their songs before but the vocals didn't do it for me. My opinion is pretty meaningless as I'm very selective in that regard and only really like about 5 power metal bands. If the vocals were either higher pitched or rougher I might like them.

Do you listen to any similar bands as well? I'll give anything a try.
I'd heard one of their songs before but the vocals didn't do it for me.
Do you remember which song you listened to? It's not like the vocals of the singer sound the same on all their songs - thus you might have picked the "wrong" song to listen to. But in case you also listened to the clips I posted and didn't like the vocals in any of them, then it's quite safe to say you won't like any of the other songs because of the vocals. You wouldn't be the first one for whom the vocals "didn't do it". I read that the vocalist was singing R&B and Soul before she joined Lovebites, which might explain why some metal fans don't like her vocals. However, even though I'm neiter into R & B nor Soul music, I actually do like her vocals.

My opinion is pretty meaningless as I'm very selective in that regard and only really like about 5 power metal bands.
Considering that I usually don't need more than one hand to count the new metal albums I buy each year, I think I'm also rather selective, though this is not only based on the vocals. Can you tell me which 5 power metal bands you like?

If the vocals were either higher pitched or rougher I might like them.
Could you give me any examples of either higher pitched or rougher vocals you like?

Do you listen to any similar bands as well?
What does "similar bands" in this context mean? To get one thing clear: while Lovebites are (also) refered to as a Power Metal band, they are more than just that. At least five of their songs - "The Hammer of Wrath", "Break the Wall", "M.D.O.", "Thunder Vengeance" and "Set the World on Fire" - qualify (for the most part) as Thrash Metal. I have read a lot of comments saying that some of their songs like e.g. "The Crusade" and "Golden Destination" are heavily influenced by Iron Maiden, who - to my knowledge - play (simply) Heavy Metal.

If by "similar bands" you actually meant Power Metal, I guess I hardly listen to any simliar bands. OK, I did mention that "We the United" reminds me a lot of how Helloween sounded on "Walls of Jericho", not only, but especially because of the guitar lead work. Thus if "Walls of Jericho" is considered Power Metal, then this is a similar album I like. Other Power Metal albums I still might listen to every once in a while are "Soldiers of the Night" by Vicious Rumors and - very very seldom - "Master Control" by Liege Lord. Helstar, whose first four albums I do like, are also refered to as Power Metal, but the music on those albums sounds - just like on the aforementioned "Soldiers of the Night" - less clean/polished (or how else I should describe it) than what is refered to as European Power Metal. Finally, if you add "Symphonic" to "Power Metal", Nightwish's "Oceanborn" is one of my overall favourite metal albums, but I'd say I don't care much about any other Symphonic Power Metal bands/albums. (I can be very picky.)
The first song of theirs I listened to was The Crusade. I tried most of the songs you posted as well but I just don't like her voice in general. To my ears it has a bit of an unfeminine grunt to it but without sounding badass. Appealing female vocals would be the sort to send chills down my spine. For rougher vocals I'd put forward Plasmatics, Battle Beast or Rock Goddess. Acid's vocalist has great character too, and I listen to plenty of Girlschool. For higher-pitched vocals, I don't normally listen to Nightwish, but I kinda like their song End of All Hope for example. Or maybe something that's more of a novelty that stands out, such as the operatic vocals from Act of God.

The main power metal bands I listen to are Stratovarius, Gothic Knights and Metalium, plus Savatage and 3 Inches of Blood which are at least somewhat power. Battle Beast sometimes gets called a power metal band too.
Rock Goddess. Acid's vocalist has great character too, and I listen to plenty of Girlschool

Good bands.

I'll add

Tier 1 classic: Warlock/Doro, Znowhite, Chastain, Hellion, Phantom Blue, Satanic Rites, Zed Yago

Tier 2 modern: Benedictum, Crucified Barbara, A Sound Of Thunder, Crystal Viper, Mindmaze, Hellcats, Death Penalty, The Oath, Witchcryer, Valkija, Sister Sin, Blackholicus, Sinergy, Crystal Tears, Sentinel Beast, Volnaya Staya, Mary's Blood.

Tier 3 a different style: Lana Lane, old Nightwish, old Lacuna Coil, old Within Temptation, old Desdemona, Beholder, Blood Ceremony, Jess and the Ancients One, Forgotten Tales, Moon of Steel ("Insignificant Details" only) , Stormwind (first two albums only)

Tier 4 not metal: Renaissance, Dunwich, Blackmore's Night, Joan Baez, Kurgan's Bane, Mastermind ("Angels Of The Apocalypse, "Imsomnia" only)

And right now I have to pimp a local band (sadly pandemic halted the recording of the album)

New song by Lovebites titled "Winds of Transylvania", which is the theme of an anime series titled "Vladlove":

I already posted the link in the Power Metal-topic on GMD, but after listening to this song several times, I'd say there are also some Thrash Metal parts, thus it's more of a Power/Thrash Metal-hybrid. Definitely one of their heaviest songs so far, with - as usual - fantastic guitar (solo) work. I especially love how Midori makes her guitar scream. For me, Midori and Miyako are currently the best metal guitar duo.