Lower Definition style mix


Jun 16, 2011
Hey y'all

first time poster, new member, long time lurker, and total production n00b

I'm recording a band with a post-hardcore sound pretty close to lower definition and the like. I threw together a quick couple of riffs (and of course, a cliché breakdown) to try my skills working with this style of music and I need some serious help.

any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Wow really weird to see them mentioned here, I used to play out with them alot back in the moth's days, Im very good friends with brian grider who recorded Moth's so if you need any details let me know, Moths wasn't recorded to a click amazingly tino just couldn't do it back then and theres no sample replacing so that has alot to do with the sound, Guitars where mesa mark iv and a DSL100, Bass was turned down very low and most of the low end came from the guitar on that album. I would try dirtying up the mix quite a bit, i know he used lots of saturation on the drums, and try added a healthy hi-shelf to the guitars. Would love to here some samples when you track this band!
I would fatten up the bass tone a lot, seems like it's kind of an afterthought in this mix but i guess it depends wat album you're going for because on greatest of all lost arts it's a lot more upfront, and like sebby said before, moths is another story. Such a sick band though! I wish they were still playing shows, i'm from SD!!
I would fatten up the bass tone a lot, seems like it's kind of an afterthought in this mix but i guess it depends wat album you're going for because on greatest of all lost arts it's a lot more upfront, and like sebby said before, moths is another story. Such a sick band though! I wish they were still playing shows, i'm from SD!!

Very cool! Im from SD as well, greatest of the lost art's is a different story as eddy (guitarist) played all the bass for stefan (old bassist) so they could actually turn it up in the mix it also helped that is was a pretty nice bass a marcus miller signature DI through a A design's Reddi.
I prefer the overall mix on Greatest of the lost art's it just sounds more professional, But you can argue Moths had alot of production value. What part of SD are you from im actually buying into the old studio where moths was tracked in as soon as i graduate.
Thats legit dude u really know a lot about the production of the albums. I've ran into them a few times at soma but never really gotten to know those guys. Yea i agree, I think I kinda like their style better on Moths, but GOALA had a way more polished sound. Plus tino stepped his fucking game up, haha. I'm from La Mesa, in East County. You?
Thats legit dude u really know a lot about the production of the albums. I've ran into them a few times at soma but never really gotten to know those guys. Yea i agree, I think I kinda like their style better on Moths, but GOALA had a way more polished sound. Plus tino stepped his fucking game up, haha. I'm from La Mesa, in East County. You?

Ive just played so many shows with them i was in The Haven so maybe you saw my band as well, Im from Bonita pretty close to la mesa.
Oh for sure dude, I actually think i may have almost bought a mesa cab off of you a couple years ago im in a band called abandon the harbor. You know jason webber? that dude is singing for the haven now i believe...not sure if theyre still doin anything tho i havent heard anything new in a while. but yea im pretty sure i talked to you thru craigslist a couple years ago.
Oh for sure dude, I actually think i may have almost bought a mesa cab off of you a couple years ago im in a band called abandon the harbor. You know jason webber? that dude is singing for the haven now i believe...not sure if theyre still doin anything tho i havent heard anything new in a while. but yea im pretty sure i talked to you thru craigslist a couple years ago.

Im still in the haven lol, I guess i made it seem like i quit, jason webber is still singing for us i just left his studio were tracking some new songs for the haven at the studio i might be buying into soon great guy with an insane voice and a amazing producer we work together all the time now. The Haven is still working on songs but we just havent had as much free time as we used to have but the new stuff is sounding insane and more orchestral then ever! when we were playing out i used to buy and sell gear all the time and have sold numerous mesa cabs lol, So apologize if i don't remember. I'm the kid with long hair that supposedly looks like dave grohl so if you met me maybe that will ring a bell.
Oh wow, haha. It's a small world man. Nah, i never met you but the dude i was talking to was having a custom cab built and that's why he was selling his old one. Idk but yea thats legit, jason has a kickass voice, i was a big fan of invictus back when they were still together and I really dig the new lindbergh skies stuff I'm pretty sure he produced it for jeff but i could be wrong.
Oh wow, haha. It's a small world man. Nah, i never met you but the dude i was talking to was having a custom cab built and that's why he was selling his old one. Idk but yea thats legit, jason has a kickass voice, i was a big fan of invictus back when they were still together and I really dig the new lindbergh skies stuff I'm pretty sure he produced it for jeff but i could be wrong.

Yea the new lindberg stuff is coming out insane! jeff has a hell of a voice as well, Im pretty sure that was me then lol, I got endorsed by port city cabs and had them build me a 4x12 and 2x12 and sold my mesa shortly after.