LRA - Sneapters Files Remix - 5150 / Slate / Podfarm Any Good?


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Everyone knows the tune, 900000 of us remixed it, reamped it, and got great sound out of it.

These files have been sitting on my hard drive since they were posted and until yesterday I really didnt fuck with them. I wantes to try out some re-amping with my interface (I know I shouldn't do this :p) and I think the results were so impressive for a noob like me I remixed the whole song

Let me know what you guys think. I still think the cymbals are a little washy and I am not sure how to go about fixing it. I also think the choruses are a bit unclear as the frequencies are stepping all over it.

But give me your opinions and let me know what you think

Guitars are 5150 miced through a marshall cab with a G1230 (Yea i

Drums are all the original overheads (I just high passed the shit out of the track)

Kick snare and toms are slate metal hybrid with Kick 10 an snare 5 tuned up 1

Bass is Pod farm with the "black face" amp and an 8x10 cab model.

If it sucks feel free to say so :p
The beginning is very muddy. I remember having problems with that part though.

Guitars could use a bit of clarity. What's your processing on the drums? Slate without any effects doesn't sound that washy, so your problem is somewhere in there.
The cymbals are all the original track. I didnt use the midi programmed ones.

Ya that beginning and chorus I am having problems with for sure. So many frequencies :p

I thought the guitars were pretty good. Where do you think I pulled to much ont he guitars and lost the clarity?

I have another version I did aswell, but I think I went a bit overboard with the loudness maximizer

Ill post it tomorrow when I get a chance.

Amazing what the ozone harmonic exciter can do for a mix :)

Master bus on that was
Waves SSL Comp
Ozone Harmonic Exciter
Ozone Loundess Maximizer
I think you're overdoing the processing on the master bus and need to focus on getting your base tones to be awesome and punchy to begin with. You're lacking weight and power in the mix in general - bring those drums up, and maybe lower the hpf on the cymbals a bit. Guitars sound pretty cool actually, if a bit buzzy/top endy.

Always always always remember to give your ears a refreshed and reference some other material throughout the mix process - it's easy to get sidetracked and forget what things really should be sounding like.
Ya ...

My references recently have really been Lamb Of God's Ashes Of The Wake, and Nevermore's TGE. I know 2 albums that couldn't sound anymore different :p. Ashes is really a drum and bass thing. I LOVE they way the drums and bass react on that together, and TGE just has one of the best mixes as far as vocals / guitar goes.

Seriously listening to Robbies mix really made me go, hey I am really missing something. I realized how dull my original mix was.

I'm going to add some mid's to the guitar tone, and try it with an i5 instead of the 57 to try sculpt the guitar tone a bit more. Possibly backing off the mic on the cab about another 1/2 inch. I was pretty much right up on the cloth. So we will see what happens :) I may also be low passing on the guitars a bit much. I was up in the 120 range.
Ok so I decided to skip the Re-amping of the guitars and try to ease up on the EQ. I took out some of the scooping on the guitars by not taking out so much of the mids and it thickened up the tone a bit. I gave the bass a little more girth in the 120hz area. I brought up the drums, and lightened up on the high pass on the cymbals. I also eased off on the compression on the master bus and didnt make it as loud.

Any better?
The more I fuck with this the more I still like #2

There is something about the guitars on that one I really like :( Maybe ill throw an analyser on the soloed guitar track and see what the exciter is doing that makes those guitars pop for me. Sometimes I hate doing this