Luca Turilli= the true meaning of Christmas


Jan 31, 2004
Jesus. Jesus Christ, my brothers. I just got Luca Turilli's new "Prophet of the Last Eclipse" and was absolutely blown away. How can one man kick this much ass? He may not have the guitar wizardry of MJR or Yngwie, but he is by far the best composer of the lot and far surpasses the others in passion put into his music. He does probably write the lamest, tritest lyrics and "stories" ever, but his music more than makes up for this. The epic element is laid thick over the technical brilliance of his music, and every note is perfectly placed. The singer is not quite as good as Fabio Lione, yet serves well. Without Alex Staropoli, the music has a less symphonic feel and seems like a midpoint between Rhapsody and Ayreon. In fact, the lyrical content and musical feel is such that it is easily enjoyed by fans of Ayreon without being a clone the group. Luca has moved in a new direction with this great new undertaking, and everyone should buy this album immediately. Luca Turilli has produced one of the masterpieces of metal, and this album will dazzle everyone with its genius. Buy it and support metal at its best!
Once again- :OMG:
I'll have to check it out. I got King of the Nordic Twilight and only liked a few songs (although Black Dragon alone made it worth my money), and I'm a huge Rhapsody fan.

How would you compare Prophet of the Last Eclipse to King of the Nordic Twilight?
OfSinsAndShred said:
I'll have to check it out. I got King of the Nordic Twilight and only liked a few songs (although Black Dragon alone made it worth my money), and I'm a huge Rhapsody fan.

How would you compare Prophet of the Last Eclipse to King of the Nordic Twilight?

Well, I have heard most of the songs on "Prophet of the last Eclipse" and I own "King of The Nordic Twilight". I personally like the epic-like atmosphere he created on "King of the Nordic Twilight" more than the futuristic style on "Prophet of the last Eclipse". I couldn't stop listening "King of the Nordic Twilight" for like a week. I love it so much..., but both of them are worth buying and will blow you away easiliy. :)
TotenMitMacht said:
Jesus. Jesus Christ, my brothers. I just got Luca Turilli's new "Prophet of the Last Eclipse" and was absolutely blown away. How can one man kick this much ass? He may not have the guitar wizardry of MJR or Yngwie, but he is by far the best composer of the lot and far surpasses the others in passion put into his music. He does probably write the lamest, tritest lyrics and "stories" ever, but his music more than makes up for this. The epic element is laid thick over the technical brilliance of his music, and every note is perfectly placed. The singer is not quite as good as Fabio Lione, yet serves well. Without Alex Staropoli, the music has a less symphonic feel and seems like a midpoint between Rhapsody and Ayreon. In fact, the lyrical content and musical feel is such that it is easily enjoyed by fans of Ayreon without being a clone the group. Luca has moved in a new direction with this great new undertaking, and everyone should buy this album immediately. Luca Turilli has produced one of the masterpieces of metal, and this album will dazzle everyone with its genius. Buy it and support metal at its best!
Once again- :OMG:

Once again..... Luca made bad CD. :erk:

Sorry guys, but I think that "Prophet of the Last Eclipse" is worst CD EVER. CD is so traditional... I mean every song sounds same (for example: listen song number 9......... CAN IT BE MORE TRADITIONAL?!). Luca Turilli is good guitarist, but It's time for hím to do new stuff, not that same rhapsody stuff.