Lunar Strain, Round 2

Least favorite?

  • Behind Space

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lunar Strain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starforsaken

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everlost pt 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • In Flames

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Lunar Strain isn't that good, too many of you give the album far too much praise just because it's the tr00 thing to do.

And yes, yes, I know you'll say "no no it's not true, I really do think it's their best album evahhh" and whatever, but it's not true, is it?

Even Jesper has said it sucks :D

Although, I like parts of it. Behind Space 99 rapes the version on Lunar Strain, as does CiS 99. Lunar Strain as a song is distinctly meh, Starforsaken is alright, Dreamscape fuckin' sucks, so does Everlost Part 1, Part 2 is a little better, In Flames is a good song but suffers from the shitty production, same with Upon an Oaken Throne, a rerecording of both would do them wonders.
Jesper did not say it sucks, he said he doesn't like it as much as their later stuff. He's entitled to his opinion.
If you think this is shitty production, I've got news for you: this is heavy fucking metal and production gets a lot worse than this.

As for it being the tr00 thing, I also really like ASOP and CC, nothing tr00 about that, but this is a great album. It's complex, melodic, heavy, and dark. Subterranean was a perfection of what they did here, but songs like Clad In Shadows and Upon An Oaken Throne are simply amazing for being so dark and heavy without giving in to the cliches of death and black metal. Also, the violin is something that doesn't get enough use except in goth/doom bands, it's good to see it here.

As for Behind Space, I think it's a little overrated tbh. Great song though. I like the rerecorded version better the but the original of CiS is perfect.
Lunar Strain isn't that good, too many of you give the album far too much praise just because it's the tr00 thing to do.

And yes, yes, I know you'll say "no no it's not true, I really do think it's their best album evahhh" and whatever, but it's not true, is it?

Even Jesper has said it sucks :D

Although, I like parts of it. Behind Space 99 rapes the version on Lunar Strain, as does CiS 99. Lunar Strain as a song is distinctly meh, Starforsaken is alright, Dreamscape fuckin' sucks, so does Everlost Part 1, Part 2 is a little better, In Flames is a good song but suffers from the shitty production, same with Upon an Oaken Throne, a rerecording of both would do them wonders.

Hoho, wait there mate! ;) nothing against your opinion but i think the originel version of behind space has a way more epic sound, plus a nice acoustisc ending :) dreamscape sucks, agreed. everlost part 1 is realy haunting beautiful track, everlost part 2 is nice enough and the production sounds fine to me.
Jesper did not say it sucks, he said he doesn't like it as much as their later stuff. He's entitled to his opinion.
If you think this is shitty production, I've got news for you: this is heavy fucking metal and production gets a lot worse than this.

As for it being the tr00 thing, I also really like ASOP and CC, nothing tr00 about that, but this is a great album. It's complex, melodic, heavy, and dark. Subterranean was a perfection of what they did here, but songs like Clad In Shadows and Upon An Oaken Throne are simply amazing for being so dark and heavy without giving in to the cliches of death and black metal. Also, the violin is something that doesn't get enough use except in goth/doom bands, it's good to see it here.

As for Behind Space, I think it's a little overrated tbh. Great song though. I like the rerecorded version better the but the original of CiS is perfect.

agreed, Lunar strain has some realy good folk influences, for example the violins at starforsaken were a good idea, same goes for the epic ending of Behind space, speaking of behind spaking by the way, i think it's not overrated, it gets the attention it deserves since it's a In flames classic. I always thought that Artifacts were overrated, people think it's a classic or very good, but the vocals just killed it.
Jesper did not say it sucks, he said he doesn't like it as much as their later stuff. He's entitled to his opinion.
If you think this is shitty production, I've got news for you: this is heavy fucking metal and production gets a lot worse than this.

As for it being the tr00 thing, I also really like ASOP and CC, nothing tr00 about that, but this is a great album. It's complex, melodic, heavy, and dark. Subterranean was a perfection of what they did here, but songs like Clad In Shadows and Upon An Oaken Throne are simply amazing for being so dark and heavy without giving in to the cliches of death and black metal. Also, the violin is something that doesn't get enough use except in goth/doom bands, it's good to see it here.

As for Behind Space, I think it's a little overrated tbh. Great song though. I like the rerecorded version better the but the original of CiS is perfect.

In one interview he does say it sucks.... then goes back on himself as he realises people reading who like Lunar Strain will probably start crying :D btw, I was talking about production in comparison to any of their other albums, and yes, it is shitty.

The tr00 thing was pretty much a jibe but i guess that struck a nerve, heh. If you want violins in your metals listen to folk metal... plenty of it there, in music that is superior to Lunar Strain. I think you're still overrating it tremendously, but whatever, everyone has an opinion.

metalkicksass said:
Hoho, wait there mate! nothing against your opinion but i think the originel version of behind space has a way more epic sound, plus a nice acoustisc ending dreamscape sucks, agreed. everlost part 1 is realy haunting beautiful track, everlost part 2 is nice enough and the production sounds fine to me.

The acoustic ending of the original Behind Space is the only thing better than the '99 version IMO. Everlost Part 1 bores me to tears tbh, Part 2 I can dig though.
In one interview he does say it sucks.... then goes back on himself as he realises people reading who like Lunar Strain will probably start crying :D btw, I was talking about production in comparison to any of their other albums, and yes, it is shitty.

The tr00 thing was pretty much a jibe but i guess that struck a nerve, heh. If you want violins in your metals listen to folk metal... plenty of it there, in music that is superior to Lunar Strain. I think you're still overrating it tremendously, but whatever, everyone has an opinion.

The acoustic ending of the original Behind Space is the only thing better than the '99 version IMO. Everlost Part 1 bores me to tears tbh, Part 2 I can dig though.

to me, the folk influences were a pretty originel, good idea. And no i don't think that lunar strain is a masterpiece or something like that, it's good for what it is, a in flames album! not realy a masterpiece or something, though i have to buy it soon. :)

I can see why you hate everlost part 1 , you probably don't like doom, do you? :p
Nope, not a fan of doom at all. I can tolerate stuff with doom influences like Swallow the Sun but full on doom metal bores me greatly.
In one interview he does say it sucks.... then goes back on himself as he realises people reading who like Lunar Strain will probably start crying :D btw, I was talking about production in comparison to any of their other albums, and yes, it is shitty.

The tr00 thing was pretty much a jibe but i guess that struck a nerve, heh. If you want violins in your metals listen to folk metal... plenty of it there, in music that is superior to Lunar Strain. I think you're still overrating it tremendously, but whatever, everyone has an opinion.

Scandinavian folk-based folk metal is generally fairly uninteresting.
I like Celtic folk metal, but stuff like Einsiferum is solid but gets kind of boring. Something about the melodies. Subtle scandinavian folk influences are great, though.

As for the production, yes the production on their first album is rawer than on later albums, hope this isn't a huge surprise for you, and no, it's not shitty, listen to some Devourment, that's shitty production.