Lunarium Bringeth Thee Celtic Metal


New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2008
Luna would be proud of these four bold warriors of lore. They have come to heed the call, representing in epic fashion, all things metal-In a genre they have most probably created, Celtic Metal-It is Lunarium.

It's a rare quality, to have four individuals with the right drive and natural talent, to share the same dream. Lunarium is a band with this rare quality and the way they put their songs together, shows how well they work together. Lunariums songs are harmonious, balanced arrangements, with each member understanding balance of sound, resulting in music where the quality shows. Or, the show is where the music is quality.

They have their jolly side, as all adventerous types do, and it's heard in all it's tavernous glory, in the track aptly entitled, Ale

No sound can deliver a more harmonious message of journey, than the song called Feast Of Sargonnas

Take notice of the drums on Feast and how they lead the band. Cymbols, hat with a kick, ever changing, ever gradually increasing the roll, into all out bass kick. Justyn Van Stokken's craftily placed riffs, lead the entire band in a flawless, monolithic crescendo. March on!

Lead vox and lead axe Cinnead Loreweaver, can easily wow a crowd, with his seemingly flawless duel role as front man and spinner of tales, for this awesome group.

Lord ruler of all things Bass, we have Jarloc Darkstar. Yeah, he's a powerhouse in chainmail armor and there are not many, who can maintain his level of energy at a live performance, while in full war dress.

Rygon Riffaxe on rhythm axe, creates a tapestry of tightly woven innovation and rounds out one hell of an entertaining show.

These four gentlemen, have taken what they know and love and put it to music. Think RPG's on steroids.
Embrace the legend of Luna and seek out the band of men who have harnessed the godess' power. They are called Lunarium. Join them in celebrating the victory over the ruler of midnight.

This banner is linked to Lunariums MS page:

Get their debut CD <b>Journeys, Fables & Lore</b> at this link: