Mörk Gryning anyone?


Dec 12, 2001
Luzern, Switzerland
has anybody heard the newest Mörk Gryning album "Maelstrom Chaos"? Bought it two days ago, and I think it's fucking amazing, a Black Metal masterpiece. Goth Gorgon even replied to my e-mail I sent him, that's great too.
so any other comments on it?
I haven't heard it yet, but I did purchase it just the other day. I'm completely unfamiliar with them, so I'm not certain what to expect. I discovered them by accident on www.paganmetal.com (totally COOL site, btw) and bought it. Are they straight black, or do they incorporate folkish or symphonic elements at all?
Originally posted by markgugs
I haven't heard it yet, but I did purchase it just the other day. I'm completely unfamiliar with them, so I'm not certain what to expect. I discovered them by accident on www.paganmetal.com (totally COOL site, btw) and bought it. Are they straight black, or do they incorporate folkish or symphonic elements at all?

hmmm they have some symphonic elements, but they are not a band with a lot of keyboards and too much of symphonic stuff, so their music is dominated by the guitars (amazing lead guitar), and that's very cool. great drumming as well, the singer is very good too! I think you won't be dissappointed, I wasn't familiar with them either before
Thanks Emperor, based on your description, they sound right up my black metal alley! I worship guitar-dominated extreme metal (I currently can't get the digitally remastered Dissection 'Storm...' disc out of my player), so now I have Mork Gryning to look forward to.
Yes, Mork Gryning are a very cool band! I only have Maelstrom Chaos, though I had heard of them a number of years ago when I found a song on the net (pre napster days). It struck me as being a little weird, different than your average black metal band, though the new CD seems a little less than original (ie sounds like a number of other bands), though it is very good. I'm glad it's not smothered in synths like a lot of stuff coming out these days.

Highly recommended to any fans of Naglfar!