M-audio and Mac


Sep 6, 2007
Lubbock, TX
In a previous post somewhere someone said that if using mac, stay away from m-audio, could someone clarify this for me. Also, I'm torn between which mac to get, i want a macbook pro but the affordability of the macbook makes it much easier on the pocket. What will I miss other than a bigger screen and expressport? I plan on using a project mix with an additional 8 pres for a total of 16.
for what it's worth..i bought a firewire410 about a couple of years ago for my PC, I then purchased a Mac Powerbook and installed the firewire 410 and have had no problems running it with pro tools M-powered.
I have owned many M-Audio products and have never had a problem with any of them on my Mac. My Windows friends, on the other hand, have had countless problems with their M-Audio gear. Like not being able to get it working at all, after 5 tech support calls, and returning the audio interface.