Mac Laptop

Paul, as a graphic designer, and as someone who obviously uses those mac books: which model/ memory/ etc would you recommand?
I'm looking into buying one soon....

For me, whenever I'm in the market for a new computer, I would always buy the top of the line (at the moment) Macbook Pro. I like the 15", as it's easier to transport then the 17". I just find the 17" to be a bit bulky. I have 2GB of ram in my Macbook Pro at the moment, and using Photoshop is quick. After buying my first laptop, I will NEVER go back and buy a tower again. I love the portability. You can get a regular Macbook for much cheaper then a Pro, and the processor is a bit slower, but still more then doable for graphics.

The new MAcbook Air is sweet looking, but it's the slowest Mac available, and where as Photoshop runs on it, and most likely not horribly, there's too many trade offs to buy the Air. I want one, but I don't need one. haha do laptops get internet. >_>

Most recent laptops have wireless capabilities. A wireless router transmits a signal that the laptop can access. The signal can be set with a password to prevent any other nearby wireless users to use your internet. Coffee shops, hotels, and other places offer free wireless access or may charge to use them when out and about.

Plus, you can always go the standard route and plug a cable into them like you do with a desktop machine.