Mac MIni?


"The Beard"
Jun 23, 2009
Cape Coral, Florida
What are your guy's thought's on the mac mini? I was kinda looking into getting one to do small project's on and kinda get used to mac os without having to shell out the cash for a mac pro or macbook pro. what are your guy's thought's on this?
I know some are solid build's but to be honest i don't want to bother with building a hackintosh

It can be fun, get to know your PC a bit more.

But if you have the cash to splash on that tiny little mac mini then go for it, but I don't see spending £500+ to get to know an OS worth it when you can't really upgrade the hardware if you like it.
It can be fun, get to know your PC a bit more.

But if you have the cash to splash on that tiny little mac mini then go for it, but I don't see spending £500+ to get to know an OS worth it when you can't really upgrade the hardware if you like it.

oh i have built 2 pc's on my own ;) and i love it. But i am wanting to maybe trying something new for audio. So i figured a mac mini would be nice to practice one.
Mac OS X is actually really easy to use and get used to. I had used nothing but Windows for years and years when I got a job at a studio that used nothing but Macs. I bought a PowerBook shortly after starting there and after a day or two I was pretty much fluent on the OS. I'm sure everyone acclimates differently but that was my experience. At any rate, the Minis are cool.
Mac OS X is actually really easy to use and get used to. I had used nothing but Windows for years and years when I got a job at a studio that used nothing but Macs. I bought a PowerBook shortly after starting there and after a day or two I was pretty much fluent on the OS. I'm sure everyone acclimates differently but that was my experience. At any rate, the Minis are cool.

We will soon in a few months if i want to put the money into a mini or not :) pretty excited
I've got the last generation (the last one to have a CD drive.) I upgraded it to 8gb memory and it works great. Only suggestion I have is that you might want to upgrade to a 7200 rpm hard drive. I find it has trouble reading the disk fast enough on projects with a lot of tracks/audio files.

I bought a new mac mini server and haven't looked back. Running Logic with a 2626 and it's great.

I contemplated the hackintosh thing but just kept coming back to the fact that every mac i have ever owned worked until i bought an upgrade to replace it and the old ones moved onto the wife who still uses them for Photoshop and stuff. I always used to build computers and just ran into issues here and there. Small maintenance things but I didn't want to deal with it.
I bought a new mac mini server and haven't looked back. Running Logic with a 2626 and it's great.

I contemplated the hackintosh thing but just kept coming back to the fact that every mac i have ever owned worked until i bought an upgrade to replace it and the old ones moved onto the wife who still uses them for Photoshop and stuff. I always used to build computers and just ran into issues here and there. Small maintenance things but I didn't want to deal with it.

I was just going to ask about the mini server!!! so it work's well as a regular computer? I see people putting up to 16gb's of memory into one and if you can do that with the quad core it seem's like it would be a beast of a small machine
Yeah. I haven't noticed the difference between it and an iMac over the obvious of no monitor as far as my needs go. If you need a monitor, I think an iMac would be the best value for sure but I still had a perfectly good cinema display left over from my G5 tower so I didn't see the point in getting the iMac. I just wanted the quad i7 and this has got it.
I second the SSD option . Run you Os/Daw plugins on SSD keep all your projects/samples externally , drag your projects in one at a time when you work on them drag them out when finished . Upgrade your you memory and that little Mac mini will punch well above its weight .