Maceration - A Serenade of Agony


Rotten undead buccaneer
Damn, I thought I knew of most projects Dan has been involved in, especially those where he does vox, but apparently I was wrong, since I had completely missed out on Maceration until now. I got the "A Serenade of Agony" from some place (ahem... you know where), and it's actually quite cool, despite (or should I say because of) it's somewhat shoddy production and quite basic riffing. It's just a really great DM kick-in-the-groin =)

Dan, whatever happened to this project?
Guess not :D

I don't really care for too old and "raw" DM, Unorthodox is pretty much the limit for me, wouldn't enjoy anything with uh, (I don't want to use the word "worse" production, since sometimes a harsh and muddy production is intended and sounds amazing, Filosofem for example, so let's just use "raw") more raw production than that is.

But yeah. Even without having heard it, I suppose it's safe to say that fans of Unorthodox and Nothing But Death Remains will like Maceration, too.

By the way, the name reminded me of another M-band Swanö has been involved in - Mahlström, an uh, power-black metal band from Belgium. Has anyone else heard their (his, a one-man project apart from Dan's guest death/clean vocals) demo Nordlys? It's pretty good, and it's available for free from their site which I think is