Machine Head news


Master Exploder
Apr 14: Machine Head’s new addition

Well, no surprise here, but Robert Flynn’s former partner in crime, Phil Demmel, is now an official member of Machine Head.

Flynn and Demmel both played guitar in 80’s thrash band Vio-Lence, and the band’s new addition toured Europe with Machine Head in 2002 and some of his guitar work actually appears on the recently released ‘Hellalive’ album.

Machine Head frontman Robert Flynn said, "I don't know why we have a chemistry together, but man, I'm telling ya, when the four of us jammed together the other day, there was sparks flyin' out of the practice room. It was electric!"

This decision will sound the end of Demmel’s role in the reunited Vio-Lence, and he will do one more show with the band, in which Flynn has agreed to join the band onstage. This is the first time he will have performed with the band since 1992.

Machine Head’s fifth studio album should hit the streets at the start of 2004.


Hopefully they bounce back, they used to be a pretty cool band, but since turning crap I have lost all interest in them, even their older stuff.
Good stuff! Back to the old school stuff, with any luck. All the reviews of Hellalive I've read have been very positive.
Their slot at Melbourne was a bit disappointing for me. I saw them in Nottingham in 97, and they were fucking sensational. Were the best band I'd seen live at the time. Maybe it was just their sound, or the fact that their newer stuff blows goats, but they weren't half as good at Festering Hell.
They were great with Slayer Blitzy :D (Except that stupid f**king second guitarist they had, he was like Droopy McGraw, be barelu moved the entire set, then you look over to his right and Adam and Robb were going nuts, I also got Robb Flynns bottlecap when he threw it into the audience. WOO! Erm. Go there and click on my music collection and you shall see a piece of history :lol:

Southy: Hellalive has been out for about a month, its quite good :)