Machine Head - The Blackening?

Apr 23, 2006
Are these guys any good? ive heard a little bit but not much, but there new album is really hyped up, so i thought id at least check it out.

if it sounds like trivium im gonna be pissed
Machine Head is alright. Check out their second album and the new one IMO. The new one is a LOT more technical and interesting than anything they've done since their second album. It's like they realized that Imperium was the only good song on their last album, and decided they should make an entire album in that vein. It's got a ton of dueling guitar solos and pretty technical riffing, it's quite entertaining in a mindless metal sort of way.

Their debut always gets called their best, but I never really liked it even when I was into them (always preferred "The More Things Change" and even "The Burning Red").
Machine Head= A bunch of trendy tools who released a very good album(Burn my eyes), a good one(The More things change...), 2 shit albums(with some decent songs on them) and an ok one(Through the ashes). Haven't heard the new one yet.
They do lots of guitar work and riffs and shit, but some songs sound like Killswitch engage and yes some songs sound like everyones favorite band TRIVIUM. They have been influenced by these new bands, but no break through riffs or nothing like that.
Machine Head is one of the worst heavier bands period, even the first album is not good enough where it's mandatory in metal.
I heard on a song of theirs on the radio today. It was from their new one. I was surprised at how good it was. I might check this one out.
Machine Head is a pretty good band overall, but certain people like to bash them because of their period of following trends and putting out a few bad albums. Burn My Eyes, The More Things Change, Through The Ashes Of Empires, and The Blackening are all good heavy metal albums, although nothing renewing. It's just good old plain heavy metal. It is interesting of course to note that progressive and technical metal is somewhat of a new trend nowadays, so they could still be accused of following the current trend which has shifted from nu metal to metalcore to progressive metal, even if this trend is miles better than anything before it.
this album definitly sounds like a heavyer, more tech version of ...and justice for all, which is a good thing, although not as innovative and amazing as the hype brings it up to be
I liked MHs earlier stuff and I had sort of a love/hate relationship with TTAOE, so I've been watching The Blackening for a while. Sounds like it's headed in a more technical direction (which I like). I'll definately be picking this one up and giving it a spin.
with all the quality music out there (new and old) i find no reasonable need to listen to this band.
with the exception of the second song, "beautiful mourning", which sounds like it was ripped from a killswitch engage songbook, the blackening, imho, is quite a solid thrash album. this is definitely one of my favorite cds by machine head. good shit.